Supportcarolinebedale's Blog

Model Motion

Model Motion to Support Caroline Bedale

This branch notes that UNISON has imposed an eight year ban on holding office upon Caroline Bedale, Secretary of the Manchester Community and Mental Health Branch of UNISON. As she is 58yrs old, this will take Caroline beyond retirement age.

We further note that the penalty may be subject to appeal and we are aware that the charges are related to her support for sacked trade unionist Karen Reissmann.

This branch is concerned that UNISON with its proud tradition of fighting inequality and its inherent sense of fairness and justice should allow an NEC disciplinary panel to act in manner that could be described as perverse and vindictive.  We believe such action to be of itself prejudicial to the good name of UNISON.

It is of concern that the current national disciplinary rules of UNISON are fundamentally flawed and do not even meet the standards of some of our own employers’ disciplinary procedures.  Most employer policies provide for counselling, re-training and live warnings not exceeding 12 months. They also provide open and transparent guidance for disciplinary panels on an appropriate sanction for a given action. The make up of an employer disciplinary panel is also laid down to ensure fairness and a feeling of objectivity from the ’accused’.

This branch meeting agrees to:

• Consider submitting or supporting a rule amendment to the next National Delegate Conference which addresses the flaws in the disciplinary procedure, for example by bringing it into line with best practice and ACAS guidelines.

• Write a letter to the General Secretary and to President to express our concern at this perverse decision and to request them to exercise their powers in an attempt to restore confidence in the fair and unbiased application of the union’s disciplinary procedure

Download Model Motion as pdf:  Model Motion to Support Caroline Bedale

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